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The Best SEO Opportunity We've Seen This Century Begins Here
The Google Secure Site HTTPS Certification Course
Starts Monday, October 13th

SecureSiteS.jpg Google's promise to favor secure sites in the rankings, and the threat of NON-SECURE-SITE popups scaring away customers, makes the decision to go secure a no-brainer. And, frankly, there are very good reasons like Data Integrety & Authentication for making the switch – even though it isn't exactly easy to do so.

And, just like every major change that Google implements, this one will occur in stages.

Stage one: Google begins gradually introducing "the change" into their rankings algorithm. They start tracking early adopters and favoring them ever-so-slightly.

Stage two: By the end of the first year there's evidence that Google is favoring the early majority adopters with obviously better rankings. These sites are positioning themselves for sustainably good rankings by complying early to Google's suggestions.

Stage three: After two years it becomes obvious that Google is favoring the late majority adopters with better rankings. These sites will sustainably rank well if they continue to do everything else exactly right.

Stage four: In the third year Google begins visibly penalizing the laggards. Based upon their history of slow compliance, these sites will mysteriously have difficulty achieving sustainably good rankings going forward.

Right now, we're at Stage One. And make no mistake, this applies to ALL web pages that depend on ranking well in Google, not just e-commerce pages.

You may be thinking this is a giant pain-in-the-ass, but...

Think again!

If you're a Professional SEO, you can look forward to an Income Bonanza by servicing the plethora of websites that must soon comply with Google's new https standard. This is low hanging fruit! ...ripe & ready to be picked!!

If you're a Business Owner with an online presence, you just heard the starting gun in the race to jump ahead of your competition!

Seriously. How exciting is that!

Bear in mind they'll never tell you this, but Google REMEMBERS EVERYTHING!!! ...they know who the early adopters are and they use that as a branding signal — evidence that a site is significant. Early adoption signals brand behavior ...but don't expect they'll ever tell you that. Why? ...because it conflicts with their illusion of an even playing field, which we all know isn't.

So, if you want to look like a brand, you must do what the brands do...

Act like a brand by complying early with Google's suggestions.

And going "secure" is probably the biggest EVER brand-indicator "suggestion" that Google has ever, uh, ...suggested. And that's our 17 years of experience telling you this! Bear in mind we've been doing this since 1997 and we've called every long term trend exactly right!


So, do NOT think of this as a giant PITA (pain-in-the-ass) – think of it as a gift! If you're a Pro SEO, then it's Christmas-come-early because...

every business with an online presence
will need YOUR help
securing every single page on their entire site.

And the laggard-sites that resist this change become websites waiting to die.

So, how do you become qualified to secure websites in compliance with Google's suggestions? Simple. By completing The Google Secure Site HTTPS Certification Course that begins on Monday, October 13th, that's how.

About the course...

The HTTPS Certification Course is distilled from more than two years of research and practice securing our own site as well as others. It's designed to save you a TON of time figuring out all the need-to-know steps and pitfalls to avoid along the way to safely secure a site's web pages in compliance with Google's new secure-site standards.

And, yes, it's complicated! ...which means it's a giant pain-in-the-ass for businesses who are unlikely to succeed without help.

So, as an SEO (Web or Graphic Designer, etc.), you'll never have a stronger sales message for gaining new clients and upselling current ones. But most importantly, this course changes how websites must be designed from the ground up from now on. In other words...

The information in this course is so important
that you'll be harming your clients' websites
if you don't know how to do this!

Enough said ... here are the topics we're covering in the HTTPS Certification Course:

  • Overview of HTTPS, HSTS, SSL & TLS

    • - Why Secure Server Now?
    • - Current and Expected SEO Impact
    • - Recommended Implementation Timeline
  • Picking the Right Security Certifications

    • - Browser Security Indicators
    • - Differences between Certificates
    • - Certificate Options
    • - OCSP Response Time
    • - Server Requirements for HTTPS and Google
  • Certificate Installation

    • - Certificate Signing Request Generation
    • - Certificate Authority Process
    • - Installation on Server
    • - Certificate Testing
  • Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS

    • - Canonical Issues
    • - Duplicate Content Avoidance
    • - htaccess commands and redirects
    • - on and off site links
  • Trouble Shooting

    • - Mixed content issues
    • - Migration monitoring
    • - Errors to watch for
    • - Miscellaneous Tips

About Your Trainer...

JH_78x98.png John Heard has been busy working with our technical team on securing our own site and others over the past 24 months. And since Google formally announced they're favoring https sites, he's dialed-in on the specifics to keep websites in Google's graces over the long term. John will save you a TON of research time and money by showing you what he and the rest of us have learned over the past two years. So, you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Of course you also know him as the head of SEN's research department and as our lead technical writer. John has been with Planet Ocean and SEN since the very beginning back in 1997. It's safe to say he's literally seen everything and is one of most qualified SEO trainers in the world.

Course Materials, Logistics, and Number of Participants

  • The course is LIVE and held entirely online. This will save you travel time and expenses. And, since you won't be shifting locations, you're more likely to retain MUCH more information. That's because you'll avoid dealing with changing environments and the usual distractions of hotel-living and finding food.

  • As to networking, we have you covered. In fact, the whole course is as much about networking with like minded and same-goal-orientated people as it would be if you were physically attending. We'll even set up the communication channels for you so you'll gain tangible and long term benefits that you probably wouldn't gain at the typical conference that you'd travel to.

  • Getting connected to our virtual classroom is as simple as clicking a link and logging in. Once connected, our Web based system will seamlessly stream the LIVE presentation into the comfort of your home or office. You'll be able to see and hear, and you can even ask questions. There's no need to call into a phone line.

  • The maximum number of participants will be held to just 35. This ensures you the personalized attention you may need while maintaining a level of synergy that typically occurs when you have an interested and robust mix of participants.

  • ramon.jpg Ramon Williamson will be your host. He's top-notch and will be with you the entire time to ensure you get the most possible benefit and don't get lost along the way.

  • The MP3 recordings will be available shortly after the end of each session. Once the course is completed, you can access the entire course presentation in video format from within

  • Each 60 minute session begins sharply @ 3pm ET / 2pm CT / 1pm MT/ Noon PT. The course presentations are approx 45 minutes in duration followed by roughly 15 minutes of Q&A.

Session Dates
Session #1: 60 Minutes
Monday, October 13th
Session #2: 60 Minutes
Wednesday, October 15th
Session #3: 60 Minutes
Friday, October 17th
Session#4: 60 Minutes
Monday, October 20nd
60 minute Q&A

Certificate of Completion

SSLWebSites-126-2014.png Upon completion of the course you'll be eligible to receive our Official Certification and a Personalized Website Badge. The Badge link's directly to your own page, which confirms to clients that you've been professionally trained and HTTPS Certified to secure websites according to Google's new standards. Your clients will see your dedication to providing top quality services and your commitment to continuing education. Prior to receiving your certification you'll be required to complete an online test that demonstrates your knowledge on the subject.

The Cost

Tuition $795

$995 is what late-comers will pay. BUT, if you enroll by Wednesday, October 8th, you'll get a $200 pre-registration discount.

So if you sign up NOW you pay only $795.

Obviously the price of the course is a fraction of what a trained professional can expect to earn from just a single client. If you're a business owner, the value of gaining a head start on your competition is priceless. Either way, it's easy to see you'll quickly recoup your investment on your way to an exceptional ROI.

By the way, we can't say for sure that you'll triple your income as a Pro SEO in 2015, but frankly, what better hook could there be when upselling new services to existing clients and prospecting for new ones? Think about that!

BONUS: 30 days Free Membership in our MasterMind Group ($69 value)

  • MasterMind Group This is our problem-solving online round-table where professionals like yourself who've done this and various other certification courses meet to exchange strategies, lend support and overcome everyday challenges in real time. It's like having the brainpower-benefits of a large SEO Agency but without the hassles. When you're part of the MasterMind, you're never working alone! (This is a $69 per month value)

It's an amazing group of people and IMO is one of the most valuable, if not the most valuable feature of the membership program.



  • If within 24 hours of having completed the entire course you feel that you did not get your money's worth, then tell us and we'll refund the entire cost of the tuition.

It's Your Move


Below is the sign-up form. Submit it today and get yourself registered. Act now because space is limited to just 35 seats and you must sign up by Wednesday, October 8th to qualify for the pre-registration discount and save $200.

Once you've registered we'll confirm your participation and be available to answer any questions you may have regarding the course itself as well as the logistics.