Planet Ocean

2018 Basic SEO for WordPress
Certification Course & Pre-Advanced Training

Available now for supported-self-study
at your own pace in your own comfort zone

WordPress 101

WordPress is the world's leading free and open-source content management system (CMS) and one of the few blogging platforms that continues to stand the test of time. With it's long term popularity has come a virtual mountain of clever plugins and support resources. To put it into perspective...

There are well over 75 Million sites on WordPress!

Of course, I don't have to tell you that WordPress is the place to build websites. We both know this platform makes launching a fast loading, mobile friendly, and perfectly optimized website something just about anyone can do with a little direction AND a kick-ass checklist. So that's where we come in.

As you may remember, we recently did this course "LIVE" and, yeah, you missed it and, yes, it was pretty amazing. But, we recorded everything! ...and we edited out the pauses and sputters to give you laser-focused content that's neatly packaged for easy self-study.

In a nutshell this self-study course promises to help you:

Synchronize all the available basic WordPress strategies to give you a long term SEO advantage!

Here's the "short list" of what you'll learn...

  • Session One: Getting to Know WordPress - In this session you learn exactly what makes WordPress tick. You'll get details on pages vs. posts, widgets, pagination and the importance of archives. You'll also see exactly how to build long term SEO success right into your site's foundation. Here's a look at the topics;

    * Differences between a Page and a Post
    * What are Archives?
    * Setting up Categories and Tags
    * Sidebars and Widgets
    * Ping and Trackback
    * Getting to Know Gutenberg
    * Pagination
    * Permalinks and Post Slugs
    * Setting up your URL Structure
    * Is it time for HTTPS?
    * Tricks for maintaining your existing static site structure
    * Planning For The Future - Post Expiration
    * Making Google Fetch & Render Happy

  • Session Two: Avoid These Common WordPress Traps - Here you'll learn how to avoid the WP problems that sap your page speed and cause those silent fatal crawl issues.

    This is where our vast experience is shared so YOU can avoid from the start the typically encountered 'learning problems' that less fortunate others must struggle to overcome. But you'll never have to!

    We'll also show you how to properly setup the two most important plugins and the best way to track those critical 404 errors. Session topics include:

    * Home Page Options - Static or Posts?
    * Duplicate Content Avoidance
    * Where to Use Meta Noindex Tags
    * Yoast SEO Plugin Setup
    * Titles and Metas
    * Social Account
    * XML Sitemaps
    * Noindex Settings
    * Breadcrumbs
    * Permalinks Optimization
    * Archive Setup
    * Canonical Tags
    * Search Console and 301 Redirects
    * Google Analytics Setup
    * Tracking 404s

  • Session Three: Beyond the Basic Optimization Tips - Here you'll take your first step along the path of Advanced strategies. This is where you learn to coordinate your onsite optimization with speed optimization. You'll be leveraging the techniques of the very best Pros in the business. Topics...

    * Plugin Overload
    * Image Optimization and Sliders
    * Featured Images and Social Uses
    * Load Time Optimization
    * W3 Total Cache Setup
    * Basic Site Security
    * Site Maintenance

Your Course Trainer

Trainer - John Heard John Heard is easily one of the best SEO trainers in the world! He's been the head of SEN's research department since 1997. He's also an expert on WordPress. After 21 years John continues to show an amazing quality of patience and generosity when sharing his vast reservoir of knowledge. He's seen everything! ...and he's the consumate master of All Things SEO.

The Basic SEO for WordPress Self-Study Certification Course includes 4 Sessions...

  • Three Recorded Online Sessions, each followed by Q&A: The complete session videos, MP3 audios, and PDF slides are available for each session compatible for viewing on any device; desktop, laptop, notepad, or mobile.

  • One Recorded Mega-Q&A, in Session Four the LIVE participants peppered our expert with every question they could think of. You'll be soaking up the many insightful exchanges between engaged students and seasoned expert.

    Run Times

    Session #1:
    75 Minutes
    Session #2:
    80 Minutes
    Session #3:
    79 Minutes
    50 Minute Q&A

Certificate of Completion

SEO Fundamentals 2018 Certificate of Completion Complete the course, pass the test and you'll receive our Official Certification and Personalized Website Badge.

The Badge links directly to your own personalized certification page on This confirms to your clients you are expert trained specifically in the field of 2018 Basic SEO Strategies for WordPress.

The Tuition

$797 Tuition
-$200 Early Bird discount!
-$200 MasterMind discount!

$397 Your Tuition

Tuition: $797 is the non-SEN member price. But MasterMind Members who signed up early got a $400 discount. And since the self-study course content is identical, we can't charge you any less than what they paid. But we CAN give you both discounts (as long as you claim your bonus below) which makes your course fee just $397 probably less than what you'll charge your first new client!

Guaranteed! If you feel the training wasn't worth it for any reason, tell us within 24 hours after finishing and we'll refund your full tuition. Simple and easy! hassle, there's never any risk.

BONUS: 60 days Free SEN MasterMind Membership

($194 value)

MasterMind Group This is our problem-solving online roundtable where professionals like yourself who've done this and various other training courses meet to exchange strategies, lend support and overcome everyday challenges in real time.

With your upgraded MasterMind Membership you'll automatically get a course discount on future live courses. This membership can be canceled anytime and we'll happily return you to your current membership rate without question. The key to success is to use the MasterMind support (free FastAnswers, MasterMind Skype group, etc) while taking the course and for the full 60 day trial period.

We know, from our years of experience training thousands of professionals like you, that coordinating your course with your SEN MasterMind and FastAnswers access will dramatically increase your overall chances of positive and sustainable long term business growth.

It's like having the brainpower-benefits of a large SEO Agency but without the hassles. With the SEN MasterMind, you're never working alone!

It's an amazing group of people and IMO is one of the most valuable, if not the most valuable feature of the membership program.

The Separation is in the Preparation

This is your 'golden opportunity' to separate yourself from the competition by leveraging the decades of knowledge and experience our team has packed into this self-study course. When you finish you'll have,

  1. the knowledge to present yourself more authoritatively,
  2. and the confidence you need to close more prospects

...which of course will make you more money!

In less than 5 hours you'll gain all of the knowlege and essential skills promised above. PLUS you'll gain 60 days free access to FastAnswers and the SEN MasterMind to ensure that, whatever endeavors you're woking on, actually get launched on the right foot from the get-go!