A Practical Guide to Mobile SEO - Part 2 Detecting Mobile Users
 by John Heard

Detecting & Seamlessly Managing Mobile Users...
A Practical Guide to Mobile SEO - Part 2 — by John Heard
Example Google Local Mobile Search

The Mobile Search market is expected to expand at a rate of 16.6% Compound Annual Growth between 2010 and 2015. This translates to Smartphone and Tablet access surpassing desktop use. Take a minute and let that sink in... And in order to assure you that we're also focusing on what's happening now - Google has officially predicted that...

44% of total searches for last minute gifts and store locator terms will be from mobile devices.

When you look at these trends in traffic, it's clear that understanding Mobile Search is a must in order to stay competitive.

Remember, this article is the second installment of an article series that begins with Understanding How Search Engines See and Treat Mobile Search. The first article was essential in helping you decide if you want or even need a mobile site. It also covered such surprising facts as...

  • Google, Bing & Yahoo don't care if you have a mobile Web site or not.
  • As well as - Web sites designed for mobile users do not get any special treatment in Google search, regardless of what device the user has.

A recently released study by Google highlighted the soaring usage on tablets and mobile devices after hours. If indeed Mobile & Tablet use will be the primary way users access your content in the near future, you might be ahead of the curve. That is if your primary site is designed for Mobile & Tablet use and Desktop access secondary!

There are also few factors that can help you make this decision, such as what time of the day do users access your site? Is it B to B or c...


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