Can I really optimize page content for multiple keywords? Should I?
 by Casey Markee

Can I really optimize page content for multiple keywords? Should I?

  • I don't mean to be too snarky, but the Jan SEN article on page 5 "What is the best way to keyword optimize your site content?" says to optimize for no more than 2 keywords a page. Didn't earlier pages (like page 4?) tell me that I could only optimize for 1 keyword per page? I think that one keyword per page is right, but page five says differently. Can you clarify that for me?

Answer: We can see why you would think an inconsistency would present itself here, but that's really not the case. You can easily optimize a page for more than one keyword phrase. This can include both a singular and plural version of the same keyword (i.e. San Diego apartment & San Diego apartments) or closely related keyword pairs (i.e. San Diego apartment & San Diego furnished apartment) — known as a double pair.

Seriously, any SEO with a grasp of keyword relationships can effectively optimize a page for more than one keyword—especially if the keyword pairs are closely related like they are in the example given above.

By the way, to clear up any confusion, here is what we published in our January issue:

"Each page should be targeted to a specific keyword phrase. Using modifiers, synonyms, related keywords and long-tail secondary keywords is fine too (in fact it's encouraged), but you should always have a primary keyword or keyword phrase in mind for each page you're optimizing."


"Avoid optimizing more than one page for a given keyword. This just confuses search...