Essential Title Tag Strategies for Top Ranking Pages in 2009
 by Stephen Mahaney

The single most important on-page optimization factor!
The 7 Essential Title Tag Strategies for Top Ranking WebPages in 2009 — By Esoos Bobnar & Stephen Mahaney

So, you think you know title tags. You know exactly how many keywords to put into them, the optimum order, character length, word proximity, and location within the tag. You even know exactly how many repetitions and exactly how to write them for both search engines and people without sacrificing efficiency for either.

If you know all that plus exactly how to coordinate your titles with your SERP descriptions, with or without a title changing ODP or Yahoo directory listing, then congratulations! You've earned a pass. Order out for beer and pizza or move on to the next article. Otherwise, sit back and tune into this timely little update on the single most important on-page optimization factor for top ranking web pagesTitle Tag Strategies for 2009!

For starters, let's make sure we're on the same page

We're talking about the HTML title element (commonly, albeit incorrectly, referred to as a tag) within the source code of your webpage that looks something like: <title>Your Keyword-Rich Title Goes Here</title>

And, we're talking about the on-page source code element that has always been and continues to be the primary element that search engines use when determining what keywords your page is actually about—and ranks your pages accordingly. We are also talking about the descriptive element within the SERPs that people use when choosing which link to click. That's right, critically important stuff.

So, let's take a few moments to make sure you're getting all of this completely right.
