A 20-Point Checklist on Quick Launching Your Site Into the Holiday Shopping Season!
 by Ian Cook

There's only two months to go...
A 20-Point Checklist on Quick Launching Your Site Into the Thick of the Holiday Shopping Season!
—by Esoos Bobnar

We're rolling right into the 2006 holiday shopping season and it's time to soup up your site. A record $32 billion is predicted to be spent online this year, so there's mighty big profits to be had if your site is properly positioned to scoop them up.

The holiday shopping season traditionally runs from around Halloween (Oct. 31) to right before Christmas (Dec. 25) with online sales peaking around the second week of December. That means there's no time for major site overhauls—your best plan now is to put into motion a concise set of strategies to give your site the rankings boost it needs to bring in sales during the busiest online spending time of the year.

So let's dispense with theory and technical details and get down to the nitty-gritty of boosting your site's rankings fast. Remember, this stuff may not be sexy, it's just the stuff that works!

Whip Your Pages Into Shape

1. Make sure each of your pages has its own title, meta description and H1 header tag. Every page on your site (with the exception of pages like your shopping cart) is a potential landing page that can drive customer traffic.

Don't make the mistake of just optimizing your homepage—optimize all your product and/or service pages. At the minimum you need to be giving each page a unique and optimized title tag. And if you've got the time, optimize each of those pages from the top down.

2. Target the keywords that attract buyers, not browsers. Most customers start off their online buying cycle in t...