A Pro's Guide to Featured Snippets
 by Keith Saye

A Pro's Guide to Featured Snippets — by Keith Saye

SEO pros have a love/hate relationship with Featured Snippets.

  • We LOVE to see our content at the very top of a search results page
  • We HATE that Google scrapes our content without motivating the searcher to click through to our site.

It's great to be noticed — and acknowledged for having the best answer to a searcher's question. But all too often Google is giving away our content without giving us the click-through (tap-though? ...whatever)!

But alas, that's the nature of Featured Snippets. But read on because I think you'll agree in the end, it's worth having your content Featured in the Snippets.

So, what are Featured Snippets?

As you probably know, Featured Snippets are those short snippets of text or video clips that appear at the top of Google’s search results. They are usually triggered by long tail...

  • how to
  • what is
  • why is
  • why do
  • what are