A.I. Vaults Image Creation to a Whole New Level
 by Stephen Mahaney

A.I. Vaults Image Creation to a Whole New Level — by Stephen Mahaney
Image by Midjourney Image by Midjourney – click for full view (691 KB)

Over the past few months I've had some time to play around with the next generation A.I. image creation tools that use text prompts to create incredible images in seconds.

With the recent addition of Microsoft Image Creator, there are now four to choose from:

  1. Stable Diffusion – text to image generative modeling that focuses on generating images using a diffusion process. It is known for generating images that are creative and unique.
  2. DALL·E 2 – by OpenAI, the same company that is developing ChatGPT. It is known for generating images that are realistic and detailed but can also generate images that are creative and unique, such as images of animals with human heads or images of objects that are combined in impossible ways.
  3. Microsoft Image Creator – running an "advanced" version of DALL·E
  4. Midjourney – which is accessed via discord and known for generating images that are highly detailed and range from realistic to surrealistic and everything in betwe...