Can an incorrect or negative Google Local Listing ever be removed?
 by Casey Markee

Can an incorrect or negative Google Local Listing ever be removed?

  • One of my clients has been the victim of a competitor writing untrue and damaging reviews on his Google local listing. My client removed his listing 2 weeks ago but this listing still shows in the search results. What can we do to help? Is there any way to remove a Google Local listing? If so, how?

Answer: Although it is possible to remove a Google Local listing, we've seen it take as long as eight weeks for Google to process and complete the request. In light of this time frame, it's possible your client may simply need to wait a bit longer.

Procedurally, removing a Google local listing is a relatively straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Use your Google Account access info to sign into the Google Local Business Center. If you don't already have a Google Account, click Sign up for an account now and follow the instructions.
  2. Return to Google Maps by clicking on the icon in the upper-left corner of the Local Business Center.
  3. Search for your listing.
  4. Select the listing and click on the business name in the information window.
  5. Click Add or edit your business under the address and phone number.

Google will need to certify that your client is the owner by having them complete some verification steps. Make sure that your client has completed these steps (PIN number sent by mail, or a phone call to the number on the local listing) before you get started. Also, make sure your client is aware of the following procedural issues:

  • If they are unable to verify this listing by phone, they must then be able to receive mail at the address currently displayed in Google Maps.
  • If they've deleted the listing from their account before verifying it, they'll be required to...


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