Can we simply add content to our single blog page or is it better to create new pages for each post?
 by Staff

Can we simply add content to our single blog page or is it better to create new pages for each post?

  • For some time now we've just been adding new content to our blog page whenever we have some news to post. However, we've noticed that our competitor adds a new URL and page for every blog post.

    Is there a significant SEO benefit to adding a page for each blog post?


Typically, yes.

If all of your blog posts are on one page, that page will not only get really large it will also be difficult for it to rank on specific topics like, for instance, the title of each post.

For this reason it's generally much better to create a unique page with a unique URL in order to make each specific topic/post readable on their own individual page.

You might be happy to know that, if you're using WordPress, you can show either a portion or the complete blog post on the blog's home page — while still being able to post links to an individual URL with only that post. SEN article end
