Does Google My Business support have a phone number?
 by Kristi Hagen

Does Google My Business support have a phone number?

  • Is there still a phone number to reach Google My Business support?


Short answer: No.

Longer answer: You have to start down the rabbit hole for support before you get any options for a call back.

Note that most of the available phone numbers will connect you to offshore contractors that probably know less about GMB than you do. That makes Twitter your best option for getting a real Googler to respond.

If you don't get what you need via Twitter, then go to the GMB forum and ask a product expert like Mike Blumenthal or Joy Hawkins to escalate it. Bear in mind they'll probably tell you to try on your own first and wait a about a week before asking for their help.

It might be helpful to know that, lately, a LOT more of the edits we're making to spam listings are being taken, so if that's the issue give editing a try, too.SEN article end
