How to Build Links, Increase Traffic and Dominate Your Niche with Article Marketing
...and why most people are doing it completely wrong!
To most people, article marketing means writing an article and submitting it to numerous article directories along with a few links back to your own site. There are literally thousands of article directories to sift through with aggressive promoters touting software that automatically submits your articles to these directories in bulk.
There's even software available to automatically generate your articles for you! With sales pages screaming promises of reaping thousands of incoming links at the push of a button, it's hard to hear the truth above all of that noise and that's where we step in. Because even in a post Panda/Farmer update article marketing is still a very valuable link building technique - when done right!
Where Most People Go Wrong With Article Marketing
It's always tempting to go for the quick-fix, and Internet marketers make quite a bit of money promising webmasters automated ways to rocket their sites to the top of the search results. But a button-pushing approach to article marketing can often have significant drawbacks:
Low-quality links - Links from article directories are not in themselves very important. Blasting out articles to hundreds of article directories using automated software is typically going to result in lot of low-value, low-quality links. As a result of the Panda/Farmer update of February 2011, Google has devalued many of these sites, making links from them even less effective, at times even worthless.
Duplicate content - If you're submitting the same article to several directories, you'll be creating duplicate copies of the sam...