How to Write FAQ Content For Featured Snippets
 by Kristi Hagen

How to Write FAQ Content For Featured Snippets —by Kristi Hagen

writing_a_formula.jpgGoogle's search results are flooded with Featured Answers that are populated by Lists and Q&A content. To be clear, we know that 23% of all search result pages have Featured Snippets. That's an 165% increase since 2016 and that growth is the new normal as Google aggressively strives to have search results users never click away from.

Unfortunately, Google doesn't provide anything in terms of directions on exactly how to get YOUR content featured at the top of the search results. Most of the advice floating around the net is conjecture and non-specific.

So, hopefully this article will break that trend. Our plan is to focus on exactly how we approach writing FAQ content for our own websites. We're focusing on FAQ content because it performs well in Google and it lends itself toward natural language (voice search) and an overall better user experience.

Mind you, there's still NO guarantee that Google will award you with Featured Snippets or those fun Enhanced Search Results even if you do everything right. However, we CAN say that our approach has dramatically increased our exposure and provided us with excellent results both with Google AND our users.

A quick mention of the Bert Algorithm...
Before we dig into each aspect of this formula I want to mention the Bert Algorithm. If you haven't read up on it then I highly recommend that you stop here and check it out.

The most important thing to know is that it's ALL about the context of your words and how you format your sentences. Everything on your site needs to be written with clear intent of what you're helping your visitors accomplish and match as closely as possible to their intended action. Simply stated, write for your human visitors FIRST. Ignore keyword optimization and do your best to clearly understand what your site vis...