Redirect your Blogspot blog to a Wordpress blog AND keep all your PageRank!
 by Casey Markee

Redirect your Blogspot blog to a Wordpress blog AND keep all your PageRank!

  • We have several blogs that were set up many years ago on Blogger and have the typical structure of We would like to move all this content over to self-hosted Wordpress blogs. Supposedly, some people have been successful in getting Blogger to redirect their old pages over to new dedicated domains, which I understand is essential in order for most of the link juice to be transferred to the new addresses. How can I do this to achieve the best SEO benefit and keep our current blog traffic?

Answer: It is possible! Here's how to redirect your Blogspot blog to a Wordpress blog as painlessly as possible, while keeping all your PageRank, AND without getting you penalized by Google.

Step #1 — Modify your Blogger Template to allow for Redirects

You first need to modify your Blogger template to allow for redirects. This is done by modifying the Blogger template editor which you can find by going to your Layout Tab and then clicking on Edit HTML. This is necessary to redirect the front page of your Blogger blog to your new Wordpress blog.

To accomplish this redirect, you need to use what is called HTTP refresh. An HTTP refresh is an attribute that tells the browser that it is going to be reloaded or redirected to another destination. Here is how the code to accomplish this looks (make sure to replace the sample URL with your own Wordpress blog URL):

<meta content='6;url=' http-equiv='refresh'/>

Step #2 — Set up a Redirect Message for your Blogspot Users

Next, we want to set up a custom redirect message on your Blogspot blog that displays to all visitors. This is necessary to prevent your users from being surprised when they are redirected to your new Wordpress blog. The graphic does not have to be fancy, but make sure it clearly states what is about to happen. It's worth taking the time to visually meld it into your current color scheme whenever possible.

Step #3 — Avoid Duplicate Content Problems with Google

Before you start forwarding yo...