Search Engine Bytes by Casey Markee Search Engine Bytes Notes, Tips, Questions & Answers... aka, topics too short for an article, but too important leave out! Page Contents Q&A - How does one get listed at the top in AltaVista's Products and Services? Q&A - How should one track traffic from GoTo and what effect will GoTo pages have on the other search engines? Q&A - Is there a software package I can use to gain link popularity? Q&A - Can search engine spiders find all of the links to all of the pages even on a very large site? ...if not, how can we help them find the pages? Q&A - Would one pixel .gif's stuffed with keyword alt tags boost relevancy? ...or would this be considered spamming? Q&A - In light of Excite's financial difficulties, are they still the number two engine in terms of submission order? Q&A - How does one create a mirror site without the search engines seeing the duplicate content as spam? <...