Search Engine Bytes
 by Casey Markee

Search Engine Bytes
Notes, Tips, Questions & Answers...
aka, topics too short for an article, but too important leave out!

Reader Questions
Q&A - Is there an easy way to change from .htm to .shtml without using redirects on all of the old pages?   Q&A - How does one make an .htaccess file?
Q&A - Can you please define Outbound and Inbound links?   Q&A - Why isn't Google giving my page credit for incoming links?
Q&A - What's the difference between OptiLink and Zeus?   Q&A - Why hasn't Google indexed my redirected page?


Q&A - Is there an easy way to change from .htm to .shtml without using redirects on all of the old pages?

  • Well, I've finally done it. One of my websites is now extensive enough that maintaining it page by page has become a real chore. The advantages of moving to .shtml have become obvious, and I m ready to make the move.

    However, many of my website's individual pages, presently all with extensions of .htm, have achieved excellent rankings and are driving highly profitable business to the site. Obviously, I don t want to ...