Semantic Keyword Research Defined: How to Generate Content that Actually Performs
 by Donna Rougeau

Improve organic placement and save money on your PPC while you are at it! Semantic Keyword Research Defined: How to Generate Content that Actually Performs — by Donna Rougeau & Kristi Hagen

Semantic Keyword Research Guide S-E-M-A-N-T-I-C...
like so many industry words that came before it, is tossed around FAR too often without context.

Good news is that we're changing that right now. Not only are we going to dig into what it means, we're also going to explain exactly how to apply it to your keywords and content creation.

Why? Because, when done right, leveraging Semantic Keywords for content creation is exactly how you cut through the noise and produce content that performs. Let me explain...

Google is most successful when their search results exactly match what the searcher is looking for. To get those results they need to truly understand the intent of the user based on whatever keywords they searched for, any previous searches they performed related to it, their physical location, and any other clues they can figure out.

Semantic Content is Search Relevant Responsive Content that delivers what searchers are actually searching for! It’s been around since the early 2000s, but most content producers and SEOs are just getting acquainted with this complex form of search that has been built into Google's algorithm for over a decade already!

Although it's an essential piece of Google's search formula they've done very little to educate us on what it is, how it affects search, and why it’s essential to generating content that is going to perform well long term.

What is Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and how does it affect content?

Latent Semantic Index(ing) or LSI is a computer program designed to learn a wide variety of synonyms based on context. It’s a method that uses mathematical techniques to find relationships between words and concepts within a piece of content. User intent and Context seem to be the SEO buzz words of 2020, but they're really just different ways of explaining these relationships and how Google's A.I. interprets them.