SEN's Ultimate WordPress Plugin Reference Guide
We work on a lot of WordPress sites here at SEN like I'm sure you do too. And like you, that means we spend plenty of time installing, testing and trouble shooting plugins. So, we've decided to share our in-house Master File of all of our go-to WordPress plugins.
If I missed a WordPress plugin that you love, or if you have a strong opinion about anything listed below, then send me a note because (like a good website) this resource will always be a work in progress.
General Webmaster Task Plugins
All in One SEO Pack - One of two highly recommended "Must Have" plugin's for general SEO functions when working with WordPress. All in One SEO allows you to control your page and post titles, address duplicate content issues with archives, generate XML Sitemaps, Open Graph Tags, generate rel canonical tags and much more. All in One SEO and Yoast SEO offer very similar features, the more stable plugin tends to be All in One SEO, but it has slightly less capability. We recommend this one for basic SEO requirements in most cases. You will have to activate the Social Meta and XML sitemap extensions (free) to add those features.
Yoast SEO - Similar to the All in One SEO plugin, Yoast SEO also adds all the basic SEO features to Wordpress that it is lacking. Both Yoast SEO and All in One SEO offer many similar capabilities, with the exception that Yoast SEO can give you a few more options in controlling categories - we typically want to use Yoast SEO on WooCommerce sites for that reason. One big difference between these two plugins, Yoast SEO automatically generates markup site wide with no easy way to control it, this can make custom schema markup...