The Man Who Killed Google Search
 by Stephen Mahaney

The Man Who Killed Google Search — Synopsis by Stephen Mahaney
Prabhakar Raghavan – Head of Google Search

To be clear, this article is only a synopsis of another that you should definitely take some time to read.

If you're like me and have been around search for a decade or more (me, 28 years), then you have seen the quality of Google search turn absolutely into crap.

You have also heard Google's garbage advice about creating content for users and not for Google. You have seen ads permeate the organic search results like a growing mold which obfuscates the SERP's so users can't tell which is which.

None of that is your imagination and now we know for sure that Google has degraded the search results on purpose and lied their asses off about it.

How do we know?'s a matter of record.

Thanks to the ongoing DOJ investigation launched in 2020 that centers on Google's practices in the search engine market — United States v. Google LLC (2020) — a plethora of internal emails have surfaced to reveal the sordid details. The takeaway is the name of one man;

Prabhakar Raghavan

... the former Head of Google's Ads who became Head of Google's Organic Search by replacing Ben Gomes — "a Googler of 19 years that built the foundation of modern search engines."

Why? Profit of course. (duh!)

Of course, let's not forget to include Raghavan's enabler...
