What's the best solution for adding and displaying a product catalog on an eCommerce website?
What's the best solution for adding and displaying a product catalog on an eCommerce website?
- I'm wondering if you could recommend a solution for adding and displaying a product catalog on an eCommerce website? I have a relatively high-end footwear client that's currently using an antiquated solution. I'd like to help them upgrade to a great U/I for shoppers at a really worth it cost for my client. It doesn't have to include any connectivity or integration with their existing Shopify-based eCommerce functionality. Any ideas?
We've heard from a number of clients that want a more traditional catalog type interface for a lot of their content. Print magazines are big on this. However, these are typically not so great for SEO. However they can be indexable in spite of the fact they are not real mobile friendly in most cases — nor are they where we'd guess you'd want the traffic landing.
With those caveats in mind, we suggest you take a look at joomag. It's a "flip" book system which is readable on mobile although it's not likely to rank as well as traditional web pages.
An alternative is to simply put up a PDF catalog which, as long as the content is text based, is indexable and can actually rank well.