What's the best type of website for SEO optimization purposes?
 by Stephen Mahaney

What's the best type of website for SEO optimization purposes?

  • I Questions about best web builder am starting a new website for a client and am just looking for input on whether you think WordPress or HTML is the better way to go for SEO optimization purposes.

    I'm also familiar with the Yoast SEO plugin so I'm wondering if you think, from an SEO perspective, if it's a good plug-in to use if I decide to go WordPress?

    I'd also like to hear what you think about Wix?


If you want a web site that will seldom need updating, and you would like to have it run pretty much for years with no maintenance, then static HTML is the clear winner.

For example, a recent bridge construction company we worked with needed a web site for which the main purpose was bidding on contracts with the State DOT. And, since that's their only customer to speak of, they really didn't want or need a website that would require the monthly updates and maintenance (i.e., expense) that a WordPress site would require.

There are many small companies we know of that have successfully used static HTML websites, many of which have been unchanged for years — some of which aren't even responsive, but they still accomplish what the customers wants so they fill the site owner's need.

On the other hand, if a company wants to frequently change their own content — e.g., do their own content generation, product additions, removals, etc. — such needs would warrant WordPress or some other CMS system. Such a site would require more maintenance in regards to keeping up with the frequent WordPress updates but it would also be much easier to use for non-HTML capable clients.

In regards to Wix, we are not fans. If you're just starting out and don't need many features, then maybe. But we would never recommend it as the platform for a serious online business.

As to WordPress Plugins, yes Yoast SEO is a great plugin to use. In addition to Yoast, here's a whole bunch of WordPress p...


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