Your October 2018 Search Engine Bytes Digest
 by Kristi Hagen

Does Google Devalue Content Hidden Under Tabs?

  • Is content hidden under an accordion tab devalued by Google?


No — in our own experience and according to John Mueller's statements in Google's Webmaster Hangout content that is toggled, like an accordion or a tab using CSS, is not devalued.

Mueller DID say it was previously devalued a couple years ago, but now he's reporting that it isn't. Our experience confirms this to be the case.

We frequently use such features on our own sites and have observed other sites doing the same without adversely effecting rankings. So we have every reason to believe you'll be safe with this approach.

We DO recommend that you make your most important content as default visible as possible. Also remember that Google is now a mobile first index. Rankings are based on how pages display on a mobile device rather than on a PC.SEN article end

What To Do If You're Targeted by a Negative Links Campaign

  • While doing a backlinks audit, I found that someone created 2M backlinks in the last 30 days for our domain. Most of the links are low quality, originate from comments, and are NO-FOLLOW. Should I be concerned? And, if so, what action should I take going forward?


Based on the examples you provided (not shown here for privacy reasons), it does indeed look like you've been targeted by a negative links campaign. Google will likely ignore those links but you can disallow them if you want.

Obviously it isn't practical to individually ask each of those sites to remove the comment spam. Although that ...