AdCenter to introduce Quality Score for Campaigns

Microsoft's AdCenter Blog announced on March 10th that sometime this spring advertisers will start to see a new Quality Score to help them understand how their ads are performing and use the data to help improve performance.


Microsoft shared some important features about the new quality score;

  • Quality Score will be on a 1-10 scale, and be calculated at the keyword level for each match-type being purchased.
  • Scores are designed to represent how competitive your keyword is within the marketplace, with three sub-scores for keyword relevance, landing page relevance, and landing page user experience.
  • Actionable guidance will be provided to optimize and improve your quality score,
  • At launch, scores will be visible and exportable from the adCenter Web UI, and accessible through adCenter Reporting and Reporting APIs.

Microsoft also stated that "Scores are generated using historical performance data, and that they do not directly influence how your ads will rank." That underlined word does make us wonder if there will be some indirect impact on ad ranking, or fees. Google uses their quality score to determine cost-per-click pricing and ranking for their ads in their network.



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