Bing's Mobile-Friendly Test Tool Is Here

Bing recently announced the arrival of their own Mobile Friendliness Test tool, which is similar to Google's tool that we are so familiar with. From Bing staff:

The Mobile Friendliness Test tool is yet another important step in our commitment to help site owners create mobile-friendly experiences. We hope it greatly aids you in making your website mobile-friendly. Each time you run the tool against a URL, we crawl the page the same way Bingbot does.

Bing staff also wrote an extensive article on what makes a mobile friendly page that they released with the tool. The article is well worth the read, although there aren't any huge revelations. Some of their criteria are:

  • Viewport and Zoom control configuration
  • Width of page content
  • Readability of text on the page
  • Spacing of links and other elements on the page
  • Use of incompatible plug-ins
  • Resources Blocked by Robots.txt.

User reporting on Bing's Mobile Friendliness Test tool is a mixed bag. Some find Bing's tool to be more reliable than Google's, while others find it riddled with errors. Let us know what you think! Try the tool here and post a comment in our forum.
