Google is Ready to Listen if You Have Something to Say...

Google seems to be getting tired of leaving users and customers out in the cold in regards to their support and customer service. 2013, although only a few months old, has already seen the release of 3 major improvements with the support Google offers.

January, Google rolled out phone support if you ran into verification issues with your Google+ Local listing. Then in February, Google took it a step further with more phone support in case you ran into data issues in your Google+ Local listing.

And now, the Search Team is following their lead and has released a brand new help document, which gives you several ways to be in contact with them.


Sounds promising, even if it isn't live phone support. However, it comes with a CLEAR warning so that you can manage your expectations.

"Although we can't respond to every question or piece of feedback, we do our best to respond to everyone we can and carefully review all of the feedback we receive."

Here are the differing ways to give Google a piece of your mind in regards to their Search functionality:

