Microsoft Ads rebranded Bing Ads

bing-ads-logo.pngMicrosoft posted September 9th the rebranding of Microsoft Advertising adCenter to simply...Bing Ads. Kudos to Microsoft for doing something simple, which seems so difficult for today's search engines. Of course they have also changed the domain name, at least it's simple and is easy to remember. You have to admit it's a lot better than "Microsoft Search Alliance"!

New features have been announced to go along with the name change, such as a new Web interface, improved ad rotation controls and agency tools that make it easier to manage multiple accounts.

But wait, there's more!

yahoo-bing-network-logo.pngThey also renamed their ad network as the "Yahoo! Bing Network" - but no explanation why Yahoo comes first in the name ( The network, which delivers 151 unique searchers in the US alone and whose users spent a reported 5% more than Google searchers in the US is a solid performer for many advertisers.

One of the most recent reported changes to Bing Ads is the ability to use longer headlines. This new feature, which is currently under test, is intended to help improve click through rates and will apply to the top three ads on the page. This is an automatic feature and is triggered if the first sentence of the ad description ends with an exclamation mark, a question mark or a period and is followed by a space. That text is added to the ad title and separated from the first line by a dash. If the first sentence doesn't fit, the display URL is added with a pipe symbol after the initial text.

Again, the longer titles are currently just a test being condu...