Disavow Link File Best Practice Guide: Don't Screw it Up!
 by Casey Markee

Disavow Link File Best Practice Guide: Don't Screw it Up! — by Casey Markee

Disavow Link File Taken MemeYour Disavow file is a simple yet extremely helpful tool to have at your disposal. However, it's also cause for confusion and misunderstanding FAR too many times. So, as someone who has successfully used the disavow file to assist in the removal of dozens of Manual Link Penalties, I'm here to set the record straight. This article will go into the six most common mistakes people make with their disavow file, as well as when to use it and when not to. Let's get started shall we...

In 2016 Google pushed the Penguin algorithm to real-time status. As such, there was debate in the industry as to whether the disavow file was even necessary anymore because Google was now going to actively work to disavow (ignore) bad links at their end.

Soon after Google came out with a statement urging site owners to keep using the disavow file. And this makes absolute sense as machine-learning algorithms are not fool proof and do make mistakes. Remember, the point of the disavow file is to physically disavow links we just do not like. Sometimes those links arise due to bad decisions on the site owner's part. Other times, those links may be the result of negative SEO or because you've triggered an actual Manual Link Penalty and removing some links may not be possible.

This is an important distinction: Disavow Link files are just a tool and their impact can vary widely based on the site issue. Sites that have received an unnatural link notice and use the Disavow Tool to remove links tend to see recoveries quite a bit faster than those that do not. And that's because there are just some links you cannot g...