How to Optimize YouTube Videos to Get the Search Rankings You Deserve

YouTube is the leader in online video and it's also the worlds 2nd highest traffic search engine behind Google itself. YouTube has over 2 billion logged in monthly users and those people are watching hundreds of millions of hours and billions of views, per day.
In a previous study by TNS, Ogilvy and Google, they surveyed 2,458 recent buyers of autos, beauty products and smartphones and they learned that YouTube frequently is used for research prior to purchase, a process they call "Product Visualization". They found for purchases like a car, 72% of recent purchasers said YouTube is one of the best places to watch "in-action" videos of vehicles they considered buying. 62% of Smartphone buyers said:
"YouTube helps me learn about products through how-to videos, product reviews or even ads better than any other web site."
Smart brands today are making use of YouTube as a way to provide a digital test drive of their products and informational How To videos. YouTube's "How To" category alone is growing at 70% per year, which is a very high traffic segment. You can take the time to learn more about this growing topic segment within Google's resource I Want-to-Do Moments: From Home to Beauty.
"Hootsuite has noted that YouTube is the second most-preferred platform for watching video on TV screens among 18 to 34 year olds, after Netflix."
According to comScore, YouTube reaches 95% of online adults 35+ in a month! YouTube is undisputedly the highest traffic video sharing portal to reach your customers and hopefully send your site traffic. In order to tap into that torrential traffic stre...