Is your Facebook Like traffic being recorded correctly by Google Analytics?
 by Casey Markee

Is your Facebook Like traffic being recorded correctly by Google Analytics?

  • My question relates to Google Analytics. I just noticed that several areas of Top Content, Top Exit Pages, and Overview (but not Top Landing Pages) show results like this: ( /travel-accessories.html?fb_xd_fragment=). I am concerned about the tail (?fb_xd_fragment) This is occurring on about 70-75% of the results. What is that tail and why is it there? Is this something to be worried about? If it is bad, how can it be fixed?

facebook-fail.jpgAnswer: Those query strings are caused by Facebook Like compatibility issues and are the result of adding the fb:like tag onto your site pages. FB_xd_fragment is a js query error string that presents mostly in IE browsers. Here is a thread on the Facebook Platform Developers Forum that addresses this specifically, and how it shows up in Google Analytics.

If you go to page two of the thread a workaround is discussed. Specifically, it looks like you can correct this issue by creating a Custom Channel URL (scroll down the page). The suggested coding you need to input is discussed in thread response #28 and looks like this:

Create the channel.html file containing this single line:

<script src=""></script>

Then add the channelUrl : line so the final result looks like this:

<div id="fb-root"></div...


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