The Top 10 Google AdWords Quality Score Myths-EXPOSED!
 by Ian Cook

Get The Lowest Possible Google Advertising Costs!
The Top 10 AdWords Quality Score Myths—EXPOSED!
—by Esoos Bobnar

Anyone who uses Google AdWords knows that:

  • High Quality Score = Lowest possible pay-per-click advertising costs!
  • Low Quality Score = Absurdly high pay-per-click advertising costs!

...and given a choice, it's obvious which one we'd all choose. The problem is, however, few aspects of PPC marketing cause more confusion, frustration, and wasted ad money than Google's seeming inexplicable AdWords Quality Scoring System for pricing AdWords PPC ads.

Yet, clearly, PPC marketing is a critical element of a successful search engine marketing (SEM) campaign. And, Google's Quality Score stands between most online professional marketers and their profits! The cryptic formula remains shrouded in mystery that forces advertisers to "guess" what Google actually means by such vague terms as quality or relevance.

Naturally that vagueness has led to much speculation about what it takes to boost your critically important Quality Score. Numerous misconceptions abound. This report will trade misconceptions for realities to help you proceed with confidence as we show you how to get more clicks for less money with your AdWords campaigns.

And, by the way, if you're new to PPC and Quality Score, or find this report advanced beyond your level, we suggest taking a few minutes to catch up by perusing our Quality Score primer: How to Cut Your PPC Marketing Costs in Half and Double Your Traffic in 7 Days!

Now, let's debunk some myths!

The 10 Most Common Quality Score Myths


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