Social Media Reporting Added to Google Analytics

Google Analytics now includes social networking data. Obviously you know by now that social networking is a huge market and a great resource for bringing people to your site and making money.

Google understands that since social networking is happening both on and off your site it can be difficult to track and understand how your actions affect the traffic and conversions for your site. Their goal is to help you make more informed and data based decisions about social networking.

Google hopes to help you with the following three things:

1. Identify the full value of traffic coming from social sites and measure how they lead to direct conversions or assist in future conversions.

2. Understand social activities happening both on and off your site to help you optimize user engagement and increase social key performance indicators (KPIs).

3. Make better, more efficient data-driven decisions in your social media marketing programs.

To help you with those things Google has included a few new charts and graphs to present you with the information.

First is the Overview report:


This report allows you to see the value conversions generate from your social channels. Assisted Social Conversion are conversions from a previous social referral where the user returns later and converts. A Last Interaction Social Conversion is when the social referral generates an immediate conversion.

The Social Conversions report:


This report allows you to see the value each social channel is generating, be it conversion rates or monetary values.

The Social Sources report:


This report allows you to see the engagement and conversion metrics to understand how your visitors behave or react to new content you've uploaded in a social channel.

The Social Plugins report:


This report allows you to see how users are sharing your content and ...


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