Twitter Releases Interactive Twitter Success Manual

Twitter recently unveiled an interactive guide designed to help start ups with little or no experience with Twitter. It's also great for experienced users as it covers every detail from creating an account to driving sales and measuring ROI.


The interactive guide is designed to allow each user to choose the path that is best for them based on the knowledge and experience they have in the social network. The guide is broken down in three sections.

1. I don’t get Twitter - offers the reader four different options. The first option is to learn the basics. In this section, the reader will be taught the simple things like how to tweet, hashtag, mention and retweet. The next part will show the reader how to find clients on Facebook by connecting their profile with their email contacts. After that, the reader is taught how to review their Twitter profile and then download a checklist that helps beginners get started with Twitter.

2. I get Twitter but need to create a strategy - offers the learner some critical information such as building a content calendar. The learner is taught how to structure tweets throughout the week. Small business owners can also learn how to get more engagement from their tweets by following some basic tweets. This section also teaches you how to write effective tweets.

3. I know Twitter but want to take my marketing to the next level - offers the learner an opportunity to learn how to create direct response Tweets as opposed to engaging Tweets. For instance, if you want to create tweets, which will make users take a specific action like make a sale or visit a certain page, this section will show you how. The section also covers tips to drive sales on Twitter and how to measure results. You can also download a guide that teaches you about Twitter ads.

Twitter can be a complicated platform for any newbie, but the guide makes getting started much easier. If you are using Twitter for the first time, this interactive guide would be a great place to start. You will be in a position to build your small business in the right path to success using Twitter.



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