Upgraded URLs Come to Bing Ads

For those using Destination tracking URLs within Bing Ads, you will be happy to hear that Bing Ads will now be switching to Upgraded URLs. Upgraded URLs were released in Google AdWords in early 2015 and they allow advertisers to make changes to their tracking parameters without disrupting their landing page URL. Upgraded URLs in Bing Ads work the same as they do in AdWords and if you're currently using them in AdWords you can import them to your Bing Ads account by following the instructions on their help page here.

Bing Ads will be rolling out Upgraded URLs to all markets and all advertisers slowly. Destination URLs will still be available through 2016 and Bing promises updates as more plans are made for their retirement. Those advertisers not using Destination URLs tracking can continue to use Bing Ads as usual. You can check out Bing's short video on Upgraded URLs below.



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