Waiting for Google to Disavow? It could be Awhile...

We have written about Google's disavow tool time and time again explaining its role in pruning those low-quality links out of your backlink profile that you can't get removed otherwise.

If you have ever used this tool, are about to send in a Disavow File, or are just waiting for a submitted file to take effect - LISTEN UP! In a recent 'Webmaster Central' Hangout (Live Video Forum), Google's John Mueller spoke about disavowing links via Google's tool. Around the 33 minute mark you can hear him say,

"It's something that's not an immediate process... It's more gradual, that it'll take weeks, maybe even months, maybe even half a year or so for these changes to be visible."

To watch the whole Webmaster Central Hangout, click here.



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