When is it safe to take down our 301 redirects?
 by Staff

When is it safe to take down our 301 redirects?

  • My 301 redirect partner and I are having a heated "discussion" about how long to keep our 301 redirects in place after moving our site to a different URL.

    He's saying that 6 months is plenty of time. But I'm saying we should keep the 301 redirects in place for longer — but I'm not sure how long is long enough.

    Can you shed some light on this subject and settle this dispute between us once and for all?


At least a year!

This may be one of the questions we get most, by the way, and the answer we give is consistently the same.

You must keep your 301 redirects in place for at least one year.

As we've said here, and as Google's John Mueller recently confirmed...

... "at least a year" — everything else is far too short of a time to be sure that Google will continue passing ranking signals from the original pages to those on your new URL.

And, if you can keep them in place indefinitely, that's even better!

To learn more about 301 redirects take a look at these past, in-depth articles which are chock full of information that is still relevant today.