Google Continues to Punish Blog Networks

redflag.pngIt's been a rough ride this year for blog networks and this month is more of the same with yet another penalty being handed out. This time to PostJoint.

Econsultancy, has also publicly stated a nofollow policy. Nofollow-ing guest blog posts is spreading like wild fire as people begin to fear they'll be targeted next. This is a very unfortunate chain reaction that's occurring because, in our opinion, some of the networks shifting to nofollow shouldn't be. When true resources are being added to sites that are on topic and valuable then there is no reason to slap a nofollow tag onto the link.

As we've stated many times, we still believe Guest Blogging is a valid practice. But actual platforms that connect authors to publishers may be on the clear "outs" with Google. Instead, work to establish one-on-one relationships between sites in your niche and be sure that when you submit content it's with the understanding that links are not the goal but a possible result of the effort.
