Google My Business Dashboard Gets 4 New Features

Google My Business' dashboard just got some great new updates to make it not only easier to manage your accounts but now includes more analytical data for your campaigns. Be aware that some of the new features we're sharing with you below are not currently available to everyone but they will be soon. Here's what's new:

  • Return Customers and Popular Times - You can now see stats and data on how many customers have returned to your business up to 10+ times vs. new customers on a clear circle graph. Then you can see when Google thinks is your busiest times of day.


  • Link to your Restaurant's Menu - Google has added the ability to add a link to your restaurant's menu directly from within the Google My Business Dashboard. You can add it in by editing the business location and you'll see it as a new edit option.


    The thing here is that you can only add a URL so that means you will need to have some version of your restaurant's menu on a single webpage of your site and not use a PDF as it's not accepted according to the reports we've read.

  • Link to your Services Menu - Like the restaurant menu addition above, Google will now allow you to add a link to your services directly within the Google My Business Dashboard. As Mike Blumenthal reported:


    The Google Knowledge Panel has largely become a business’s new home page. By that I mean that the bulk of consumer to business interactions are now occurring ON Google and not on their home page.

    In Barbara’s case at a ratio of 3 to 1. She gets three times the number of calls and driving directions from Google than she gets from her website. In having looked at a large number of businesses over the past several months, I believe this to be generally true of most businesses.

    Given that, the ability to add a link directly to the Knowledge Panel, creates one more focused opportunity for a business to interact with a customer when they do click through from the Knowledge Panel.
  • 18 Months of I...


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