Latest Advice on Your Google Local Listing

We understand how frustrating it can be to sit and wait for your local listing to be merged with your G+ listing. We've got our own business accounts and those of our clients in what seems like the eternal limbo as well, which is why we eagerly seek out the latest advice on what each type of listing should do. So far nothing new has come up and you can go here for the latest advice to follow for questions like:

  • I'm an existing Google Places for Business user?
  • I'm currently using Google+ to manage a local Google+ page?
  • I'm using the bulk tool to manage multiple locations for my business?
  • I'm new to Google Places for Business and have fewer than 10 locations?
  • I'm new to Google Places for Business and have 10 or more locations?
  • Who can use the new Places interface?
  • What's new in the Places dashboard?
  • Are there any changes in policy or the quality guidelines?
  • I'm a new user to Google Places for Business. How do I add a listing?
  • I'm a new user to Google Places for Business with a service-area business. How do I proceed?


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