Twitter Extends Its Videos to 140 Seconds

Twitter has announced some changes to its platform designed to make it easier to engage users with video. The biggest change is that you can now publish videos that are 140 seconds long vs. the previous 30.

Starting today, you’ll have more room to unleash your creativity on Twitter. Where previously, uploaded videos were limited to 30 seconds, now anyone can create video Tweets up to – you guessed it – 140 seconds long.

If you're new to the concept of publishing video within your Twitter feed then we highly recommend you jump onto Twitter's support page here for really comprehensive step by step guides. It's a simple process and with the growing popularity of video, there has never been a better time!

Twitter is also rolling this new longer video format out to their other platform, Vine. Within their announcement, Vine representatives stated:

Videos will be up to 140 seconds in length, just like the videos shared on Twitter (You may see some that are longer — up to 10 minutes, which is an option we make available for some partners!) The canvas for movies is not only longer, it’s fullscreen. Shoot vertical or horizontal, and rotate your phone to watch in widescreen.


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