SEO Experts Blog

2011 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey Released

By Mary Bowling on Jun 30, 2011 - 01:41 PM


The long-awaited update of the Local Search Ranking Factors Survey was released a few weeks ago and things have changed pretty drastically since the last survey 12 months ago! Unless you've had your head buried in the sand, you're well aware of the algorithm shifts that occurred in October of 2010 and the survey will confirm many of your gut feelings and observations, while giving you some new factors to consider when doing Local SEO.

In this year's survey 34 expert Local Search practitioners weighed in with their opinions on 79 possible ranking factors. That's a bellyful of information to try to digest. My advice is not to worry about anything that isn't in the to...

The Science of Social Media Influence

By Travis Wright on Jun 18, 2011 - 03:51 PM

As social media evolves, it appears that tribes are being created online. Small groups of influential people are congregating in various social media sites and helping each other create more influence.

This appears to be a relatively new phenomenon. There are several sites out there that gauge our social influence. They take our actions on the top social media sites, sees who interacts with us the most, sees which content we are sharing, see who is sharing our content and c...

How Much SEO Advice Should You Give Away for Free?

By Casey Markee on Jun 13, 2011 - 12:56 PM

One of the most common questions we hear from search engine marketing professionals these days is How much SEO advice should I give away for free?

This is a great question and a VERY popular dilemma with SEOs in general, both for those hanging out their shingle as private SEO consultants, as well as those working within the confines of larger SEO firms. This is something we've even had to grapple with ourselves here at Search Engine News through our own online support SEO help system (where submitted tickets have increased 250% over the last two years).

Most of you reading this have probably experienced a situation where you have received a...

Travis Wright - Somewhere Between the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat of Marketing!

By Travis Wright on Jun 10, 2011 - 01:30 PM

I have been a forward-thinking interactive smartass and über bullshittapotomus since 1996. I was a stand-up comedian and I thought needed to create a website to promote his career. I built my first Web site within the first 48 hours of ever being on a computer.

Right out of college, I worked at GTE Yellow Pages consulting with local business owners about their online and offline marketing. Realizing that most small business owners didn't get it, I set out to educate them and help them gain internet findability.

Over the past 15 years, I have created or co-developed 100s of websites. I have created and optimized Web sites with SEO, SEM, social media and mobile marketing efforts for small to mid-size business ...

How to Get an “A” in Math - and Online Marketing

By Shelly Kramer on Jun 10, 2011 - 12:53 PM

Welcome to the Planet Ocean Blog! If you’d rather watch than read, there's a video introduction embedded in this post but I'll give you the details here, too, just in case.

I’m Shelly Kramer, the founder and CEO of V3 Integrated Marketing. I’m a marketer, strategist, content creator, nationally-known speaker and Web savvy geek focused on new media and all forms of digital communications, strategy and marketing.

To the astonishment of my many mathematics professors, I’m also a sucker for stats, numbers, analyses and measurement of all kinds -- which makes me the geeky addition to any discussion. And yes, I’ll admit to taking College Algebra five – count ‘em five,...

They Finally Listened to Me!

By Casey Markee on Jun 02, 2011 - 02:59 PM

Hey everyone, welcome to the new blog, we've got some GREAT content lined up. You can pretty much thank me for this blog because it was my idea and I have been pushing for it for years! I've been bringing it up at every opportunity when we talk about giving great expert content and fighting the fight just for you. ;)

In case it's not obvious - my name is Casey Markee and I'm the President of San Diego-based SEO firm Media Wyse and an online marketer since 1998. I got my start launching, running and eventually selling outdoor gear online retailer Coastline Adventures be...

Who is this Mary Bowling Anyway? Why listen to me?

By Mary Bowling on Jun 02, 2011 - 10:27 AM

I'll keep it short and to the point the same way I keep you updated on the latest in the local search industry.

I've been involved in owning, operating and marketing local businesses since I was in grade school. (Yep, lemonade stands, recycling, snow shoveling , babysitting, paper delivery and anything else I could make a buck doing.)

I got hooked on internet marketing in 2003 and have been involved with Local Search since before anyone ever gave it a name. As one of the "old-timers" of Local Search, I speak frequently at industry conferences and have been teaching the subject through various venues for years.

See my profile on LinkedIn, follow me on Twitter and read my...

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