How to Generate Kick-Ass Content for your Clients!
 by Casey Markee

How to Generate Kick-Ass Content for your Clients!

  • We know the importance of content in a post-Hummingbird world. Yet we are still having difficulty generating the kind of content pieces necessary for clients to pull in the links, social signals and those all-important freshness boosts that help our rankings. Can you help?

Answer: According to a study by AOL and Nielsen, 27 million pieces of content are shared online daily by users. With that much content floating around it's practically a full-time job for the average SEO firm or site owner to find something of high-quality that will "stick" with their site audience. If you've been reading SEN regularly, you know we've been beating the drum of good content value for awhile and our first suggestion is for you to review these specific resources:

Hummingbird Caged: How to Prepare your Site and Content for 2014

Must See Tips & Tools for Fresh Content Creation, Optimization & Distribution

Evergreen Content: What it is and Why you Need it on your Site or Blog

Automate your Social Media with a Content Calendar

Must-Use Brainstorming Tips & Tools to Get You Blogging Like a Pro

Creating content is easy; creating GREAT content not so much. Fortunately, we've got you covered. When we conduct content marketing audits and creation campaigns for our own clients, we take an informed content approach that involves specific steps in the content research, formulation and promotion phases. Th...


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