The Truth about the Disavow File: 10 Myths that MUST Die!
The Truth about Disavow File: 10 Myths that MUST Die!
- My clients are still confused about disavow files and I will admit, so am I. I've been told that everyone needs a disavow file, that a disavow file is necessary to recover from a penalty, and that if you put a site in a disavow file it won't help you rank again, ever. Are these all true? How do you separate the fact from the fiction?
Answer: When Google introduced the Disavow Link Tool back in October 2012, Webmasters of the World rightfully rejoiced. After petitioning Google for years for a way to physically disassociate a site from incoming toxic links over which a site owner had no control, Google finally listened.
When the tool was launched Google was quick to say that manual removal of toxic links is ALWAYS the first and best option. However, if you can't get certain stubborn links removed, then use the disavow tool and Google will apply a nofollow attribute on the links and ignore them accordingly.
The tool was pretty straight forward but it didn't take long before Webmasters started either abusing the tool or using it incorrectly. Google even had to issue a clear warning on the tool and we here at SEN published a best practices document on formatting your Disavow File because subscribers still seemed confused.
Jump ahead nearly three years and confusion still exists with how the disavow tool works, and when you should use a disavow file at all. To that end, let's review and bust some of the more common myths that you as an SEO may come up against.
- Myth #1: Every site should be using a disavow file.