Facebook Gets Local & Foursquare Responds
As of December 17th, 2012, Facebook officially entered the Local Search industry as a contender with Foursquare and Yelp. On their iOS and Android mobile applications, Facebook released Nearby, which allows you to search for businesses based on location, friends’ recommendations, likes and yes - even check-ins. Consumers also have the ability to connect directly with businesses, whether it is by calling, getting directions, ‘liking,’ or ‘checking in.’
Foursquare responded to this change by personalizing their service, which consists of allowing you to link your Facebook account to Foursquare. In turn the recommendations that Foursquare delivers to your account will now be refined by your friends’ activity! This is very similar to Nearby, except Foursquare’s personalization is available on their Web site as well...whereas Facebook's Nearby is only available on a mobile device.
Now, more than ever, is an important time for you to manage that Facebook page. Facebook just tossed you into the local search deep end for smart phone users. Step up to the opportunity and be sure your business category and contact information are up to date. Encourage your loyal customers to recommend, like, and check in to your business.
Here are a few of our favorite articles on boosting your Facebook and Foursquare traffic, while still staying on top of that content demand: