Pinterest Shows Businesses Killer Analytics Data

Pinterest has been taking steps to attract big business to its interface. In the fall of 2012, they first did this by expanding away from just personal accounts and adding business accounts. This was great news for any site that sells products or services because you can use Pinterest to easily target potential customers with photos.

Pinterest's business accounts allowed you to verify your Web site with them and add widgets. Well, this month they've decided to help you more with the addition of an analytics tool. Take a look below:


This new Web Analytics Tool has some great features and will serve you past data from the date you verified your site. Here are some of the features it includes:

  • Exactly which images are being pinned from your site?
  • How many users have viewed your pins.
  • The Web traffic coming to your site from Pinterest.
  • Who is pinning your content?
  • What else do they like?

All of the above can help you produce boards that create lasting impressions about your products. To get started today, just take the following steps to see your analytics data:

  1. Switch over to Pinterest's New Look (new site design)
  2. If you haven't already done so, Verify Your site.
  3. Go to the menu on the top right and click on 'Analytics.'

Pinterest is such a unique and powerful resource to generate a following and sales especially in women aged 25-34. If you're new to Pinterest or just want to be sure that you're doing your best to market to their audience, then check out these resources for some more inspiration.


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