The Ultimate Guide to Google Instant...and What it Means to your Business
 by Casey Markee

Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding Google Instant
...and what it means to your business! by Casey Markee

speed.jpgIn early September Google rolled out Google Instant in their continual quest to make searching faster and more user-friendly. The new search experience was met with simultaneous cheers and boos from the Internet community.

While most users have appreciated how fast they've been able to find results for their queries, just as many have criticized the interface, or just downright hate it. User reactions aside...

Google Instant is a Game Changer to both Web site owners and SEO/SEM professionals.

We here at have gotten a ton of questions in SEO support and our own clients have been losing sleep in their quest to determine what these new changes mean to their businesses. Specifically, how will Google Instant affect SEO? Will it impact pay per click marketing? Is the long tail of search dead? The answers to these questions and more will be spelled out in this Google Instant overview. Read on...

What is Google Instant in a nutshell?

Google Instant is predictive, real time search that was designed to make search more e...