As the Algo Updates Churn & Burn

Last Stressed out SEO with hair on fire month, the previous month, and pretty much every month for the past while, Google has either announced an algorithm update or been cited for an "unconfirmed" algo update that has affected somebody some cases, manybodys.

As such, if you haven't already arrived at this mindset, let's help you out by spelling it out...

Get used to it!

There's no need for your hair to catch fire over every little tweak!

The reality is that Google is constantly adjusting their algorithm. And, they no longer feel obligated to make announcements about the changes.

Google has even said as much. On several occasions, both Danny Sullivan and John Mueller (i.e., primary Google voices) have stated that unannounced algo tweaks (updates) are happening "all the time."

And, while it's likely they'll announce the big ones from time to time, they're increasingly making no effort to signal any of the minor tweaks that are literally happening all the time.

So, if you've been paying attention to our reports here at SEN, you probably already know all this.

However, every month we see chatter in places like SERoundtable in regards to "updates" which SEOs believe they are at the effect of...

algorithm update chatter

One must ...