Don't Distract with that Hashtag

Want to succeed with your Twitter marketing? Stop distracting your audience with hashtags. That's the big take-away from a recent study conducted by Twitter and reported by If your audience is given too many choices of clickable items within a tweet they're less likely to pick the one you want. This doesn't mean that you should quit using hashtags altogether, it just means that you should be a bit more selective about when to use them. Twitter's, Anne Mercogliano explains it like this

"If you're trying to join a conversation, you should absolutely use a hashtag. But for driving for a specific click that you're looking for off Twitter, the less noise that you put in between [the better]."

Twitter has been trying to help marketers succeed within their campaigns with releasing tips for how best to use the social media platform for sales and branding. For a refresher, you can check out Twitter's full 'best practices' report released last year here.



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