Google Plus Changes Their Policy and Now Name Choices are Endless

Google+ has been well-known throughout the years as having a pretty tough name use policy. They often required users to jump through hoops to prove that they were using their actual name on their profiles. On July 1st, they announced that they've dropped the last of the name restrictions for existing and new users. While some feel that the policy change could open up G+ to abuse by trolls, Googler, Yonatan Zunger, assured the masses with:

"One of the reasons this is safe to launch is that our troll-smashing department has gotten very good at their jobs."

Also to combat abuse, Zunger mentioned within the G+ feedback that users are still restricted to how often a name can be changed. So if you'd like to update your G+ name, go ahead, it should be a bit easier. We're considering a legal name change to Pilot Fuzzybritches, although maybe it still needs a little work. You can read the announcement and check out all the feedback on the Google+ post here.
