High Profile Sites Slamming the Brakes on AMP Pages

The whole concept of AMP pages has been controversial from the beginning. After all, agreeing to host your content on Google's servers just to improve performance metrics seems like a faustian bargin.

Last month SearchEngineLand reported they're turning off AMP pages saying...

We know what a road to oblivion looks like, and our data suggests AMP visibility is on that path. Rather than ride that to nowhere, we decided to turn off AMP and take back control of our data.

They go on to report that Washington Post, which is still listed as an AMP success story on the AMP Project site, turned them off a while back and Twitter has also stopped referring mobile users to AMP versions.

It's believed that the inclusion of non-AMP pages in Top Stories is undermining traffic counts and thereby negating any justification for using AMP.

  • The Bottom Line — As social media traffic to AMP pages drops due to lack of support, then you may find there is no real need for AMP.

    For more info, take a look at the SEL article.SEN article end
