Mysterious Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update?

Starting around September 16, and increasingly during the following two weeks, SEOs have reported unexplained drops in traffic which could indicate an algorithm update. Regardless, we have yet to hear anything official confirming this from Google.

But, the chatter is real and some are even questioning the value of Google Analytics which they believe could actually be working against them.

Here's a cherry-picked look at some of that chatter between September 25th through the 28th...

Barry Schwartz over at SEOroundtable noted that...

Most of the tracking tools that track how volatile the Google search results are, spiked in a very very big way on the 24th and 25th of September.
  • Actionable Strategy — If your traffic has taken a hit over the past two weeks, you're not alone. We're still looking for official word on the topic. In the meantime stay tuned. You can check out the tracking charts on SEOroundtable and follow the discussion on webmasterworld.SEN article end
